This is a quiz about the movie "Dragon and Belle Princess" directed by Mamoru Hosoda."Ryu to Soba Kasumi no Hime" is a theatrical animated film directed by Mamoru Hosoda, featuring "Summer Wars," "Wolf Childrens Rain and Snow," and "The Boy and the Beast."Kaho Nakamura, who sang the theme song, played the voice of the main character, which became a hot topic.In addition to young gorgeous actors such as Ryo Narita, Shota Sometani, Tina Tamashiro, and Takeru Sato, many veterans such as Ryoko Moriyama, Fuyumi Sakamoto, Yoshimi Iwasaki, Koji Yakusho, and Ken Ishiguro are also participating as voice actors.In this app, you will be asked all kinds of questions such as the story of the movie "Ryu to Soba Kasumi no Hime", characters and various episodes, music and public information.Aim for perfection and give it a try![Recommended for people like this! ]1. Those who like Mamoru Hosodas work2. Those who love "Belle and Belle Princess"3. Those who have seen "Belle and Belle Princess"4. Those who have seen "Dragon and Belle Princess" but do not remember much about it5. Those who know anything about "Belle and Belle Princess"[Mamoru Hosodas main theatrical animated films]2006 "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"2009 "Summer Wars"2012 "Wolf Childrens Rain and Snow"2015 "The Boy and the Beast"2018 `` Mirai of the future2021 "Princess of the Dragon and Belle"* This app is an unofficial and unofficial app for the movie "Ryu to Soba Kasumi no Hime".